"Materials initiated biology" is a new concept of the material-based academic field. This study is the application of materials for analytical or manipulation tools for biological samples, such as living cells, and this technology solves the mysteries of biology.


We are especially interested in understanding how cells receive stimuli from the external environment and what happens to cell function. Thus, we aim to regulate cell functions by using polymer nanomaterials and observing unknown biological phenomena. Functional characteristics of polymer nanomaterials serve as ideal platforms for the regulation of properties of cells and extracellular environment.


Additionally, basic knowledge and skills in polymer chemistry, physical chemistry, and cell biology are applied to advance cutting-edge concepts of these researches. We believe our polymer nanomaterials would be a powerful tool and greatly contribute to the development of fundamental biology, bioanalytical science, and medical technology.


「マテリアルバイオロジー」 (Materials-Initiated Biology) は、材料の力で未知の生命科学を切り拓く、新しい研究の概念です。機能性高分子材料の医療応用は長年にわたって研究されており、その過程において、これらの材料が生命科学の謎を解くための有力なツールとなりうることが注目されてきています。私たちは、さまざまな特性を持つ高分子ナノ材料を作製して、細胞の中で起きている現象を「測る」 (Bioanalysis) ことや、細胞の機能を 「操る」 (Manipulation) こと、さらには材料と細胞の間に発生する “力” を科学する 「メカノバイオロジー」 (Mechanobiology) や、ナノ材料を用いた生物学的相分離 (Biological Phase Separation) の研究に取り組んでいます。


Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design

Faculty of Advanced Engineering 

Tokyo University of Science


Copyright © 2025

by Dr. Masao Kamimura.

All rights reserved.